Q: Can I choose how I want my item shipped from the seller to Celga?
A: In general, no. The sellers determine the shipping methods they will use, and it is assumed that if you bid on their auctions or buy from their web sites, you are agreeing to terms, including method of shipment.
Q: Can I get insurance for the shipping in Japan from the seller to you?
A: The Japanese post office and package delivery services have proven to be very reliable, so we do not routinely insure shipments from the seller to Celga.
However, we MAY be able to insure the package if the seller agrees. Since it is more work for the seller, they are more likely to agree if the auction ended with a high final value. If they do not agree to ship with insurance, we cannot honor your request. If we are able to have it shipped insured, we will invoice you for any additional costs.
Q: What is a "yuu-pack"?
A: Yuu-pack is one of the several methods used for package shipment within Japan. It is relatively inexpensive and quick.
Q: What is COD and why is there an extra fee associated with it?
A: COD means cash on delivery. When an item is shipped COD, Celga does not pay for the item until it is delivered to our Japanese warehouse. At that time, we pay the delivery company for the item; the delivery company then sends that money back to the seller. This method guarantees that we have received the item from the seller so there are no issues of sellers failing to send the items.
The delivery company charges a fee for this service which we, as the buyer, must pay. Instead of calling it out separately, we often list it on your invoice as "wire transfer fee" and "internal shipping fee" to simplify the processing on our end.
Q: Why am I being charged an internal shipping fee when the seller claims that shipping is free within Japan?
A: As explained (shipjapanCOD)above, while the seller may not charge us for shipping, there may be delivery company fees which Celga must pay on your behalf. These are often listed on your invoice as "internal shipping fees" for ease of processing. Please rest assured that if Celga is not charged any fees associated with internal Japanese shipping, we will not charge you any, either!